ERF was one a kind.

AJC, June 25, 2015

Rawson Foreman as pictured in the Taft School Alumni Bulletin in 1998.

Christmas 1953 at my parent's home at 45 Lakeland Drive, left to right, Mary ("Rary") Foreman (Rawsons's mom); Rawson aged 14; little me; and R.L. "Trot" Foreman, Rawson's Dad.

In this excerpt from a Page One article in the Constitution of February 2, 1973, Rawson Foreman was quoted, and needless to say, he was terribly happy!  If memory serves, Rawson already knew from personal experience the pleasing effects of "a pipe dream."

Atlanta Constitution, 1992, with his Bruce Hafley portrait.

Left to right, "Little Alex" Hitz (my first cousin); Bettty Foreman (my mom); Elizabeth "T" Hitz (my other grandmother); myself; Alex Hitz (my other grandfather); and the ebullient Rawson, probably Easter dinner at his new residence at 211 The Prado.

Again on The Prado, left to right, Rawson, Letsus Foreman, Bettty Foreman, and me.

Me with Rawson's first born Margaret Trot Foreman in Trot's backyard at West Paces, Trot to the far left.

Peggy Reeves Foreman inspecting my new apartment corner Ponce and Myrtle, 1977.

Most likely Margaret's birthday at her parent's second Ansley Park residence on Westminster (the first being Maddox Drive) left to right, Margaret, my brother Jim, Allexa, and me.

And last but not least, the great Rary up at Rosalie Howell's Highlands house which Rawson later purchased.

Peggy Foreman's lovely Thank you card arrived the on Rary's birthday, August 20th.